Dog Irons For Use With Woodburning Stoves and Fireplace Inserts
$390.00 $290.00
These Dog Irons will fit inside your woodburning stove and also your fireplace inserts. The legs are shorter and will fit nicely in all stoves and inserts. Heavy Duty, built to last and will hold a big load of wood !!!
*** With some decorative or small andirons you may want to use a set of “dog irons” on each side of the of the legs of the andirons .” Dog Iron’s” are a pair of Iron supports to hold wood. Dog Irons will hold a load of wood to prevent breaking your andirons…. OR…. you can order one of our HEAVY WOOD BURNING GRATES and put the andirons on each side of the grate. See our heavy grates under the menu heading. Order a grate 8 inches smaller than you would normally use if you are using andirons.
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